Next conference - Spring Conference 2025 (Online)

Our next conference is on Saturday 1st of March, online via Zoom.  We are pleased to announce that Richard Barwell (University of Ottawa, Canada) will be our plenary speaker.

Registration will open on Friday 10th of  January.  Registration costs £10 for BSRLM members (plus a voluntary £5 donation for the Leone Burton fund

To become a member of BSRLM: Join now

To register for the conference, members can follow this link: Conference Registration

To submit a session (presentation, workshop or working group) proposal, member can follow this link:  Submit a session proposal

Key dates: 

Friday 10th January 2025: Registration opens

Thursday 13th February 2025: Closure of session proposals

Week of 17th February 2025:  Draft programme will be developed

Friday 21st February 2025: Registration closes

BSRLM holds conferences open to all BSRLM members (Join BSRLM) as follows:

BSRLM Day Conference: 3 a year (Spring, Summer and Autumn)

The Day Conference, which is about research into the teaching and learning of mathematics, can involve the following:  

  • Plenary presentation by an invited speaker
  • 40-minute research presentations (20–25-minute presentation, followed by 15-20 minutes of chaired questions/discussion)  
  • 40-minute interactive workshops with a focus on critical engagement and discussion 
  • Working groups: Groups established, sustained and run by members with a shared interest in a specific aspect/phase of research in mathematics learning. All members can attend working groups, and these are good for meeting fellow researchers with a common interest. 
  • Open Forum (Summer Day Conference) and Annual General Meeting (Autumn Conference)

New Researchers' Day: Summer Term 

The New Researchers' Day offers a friendly and supportive opportunity for new researchers to present and discuss research into the teaching and learning of mathematics. ‘New’ in the title is open to your interpretation: the day is intended for research students, post doc researchers, newly appointed lecturers (perhaps those starting in research) and anyone who thinks ‘this sounds good’. ‘Mathematics’ in BSRLM should be regarded widely and researchers in education whose research has a strong but not exclusive connection with mathematics are very welcome. 

We invite proposals for 40-minute research presentations (20–25-minute presentation, followed by 15-20 minutes of chaired questions/discussion)  

The conference also involves presentations from guest speakers to support aspects of research into mathematics learning. 

Conferences typically run between 10:00 (registration from 10am) and 16:00 on the relevant day.


We encourage all conference presenters to write proceedings and presenters are contacted by the publications officer following the conference. 

For conference proceedings from previous conferences, please follow this link: Proceedings of BSRLM Conferences

Dates of Future Conferences:

Spring Conference 2025: Saturday March 1, 2025 (Online)

Summer Conference 2025:  Friday June 13 (Day Conference) and Saturday June 14 (New Researchers' Day) at the University of Glasgow

Autumn Conference 2025:  Exact date TBC at the University of East Anglia, Norwich

Programme, Session handbook and Delegate list of the 2024 Autumn Conference (November 2, 2024) can be found here: Programme and Sessions Handbook 

Unforeseen Circumstances

If an event is cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, we will refund any event fees paid as soon as possible.  If the event is postponed, delegates may be able to transfer their enrolment to the rearranged event. We shall not be liable for any additional loss (e.g., travel expenses) resulting from such cancellation.

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